Cpt. Forever - Ship Building Utility

By JBJ of the xkcd forums
With extra special thanks to ttnarg for working out the URL encoding scheme
Module Type

Attachpoint of module

To Use:
The Command Module is the Red square in the center. To attach a module, select the module type from the drop down list.
Then select the orientation of the attachment point. For instance, if you want to attach a girder to the right side of the command module, the attachment point would be pointing to the left, so you would choose "Left". If you want to attach a laser that shoots straight ahead, the attachment point would be on the bottom, so you could choose "Bottom".

Lasers (Prism and regular): CLASS - FIRING RATE / POWER / SHIELD
Firing rate is measured in Hz. 1, 2, or 4 times per second. Power is rated in Joules. Shielding also measured in Joules.
Lasers will appear in red regardless of class and appear as: =], [=, or ||

Girders (and Blurst Shields): LENGTH - CLASS - SHIELD
Length is how many units long the girder is. All girders a 1 unit in width. The script will automatically fills out the girder to the appropriate length. Girders appear as blue blocks regardless of class.
Shielding is measured in Joules and indicates how much damage the girder can take.
Blurst shileds repel all incoming fire and seem to take no damage regardless of class. Shielding omitted from Blurst descriptions.

Shielding like before is measured in Joules. Thrust is measured in Newtons.

There is no undo or delete. If you make a mistake, just refresh the page to reset.